Where I want to be in 5 years
If you really think about it, 5 years isn't that far away. My bigger goals will be in 10 years or so however it is still possible to complete a few of my dreams in such little time.
I will most definitely have a 'real' job, something that I love and don't dread going to each day
(not as huge as the others but has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl!) To own my very own Burberry puffer jacket
To have lived in and experienced life in London or another large city, even if it is just for 3 months I just want to live in as many places as possible before I settle down.
Career wise, in 5 years I would hope that I have a bit of experience in the marketing industry as this is what interests me the most at the moment. A company that I would love to work for is a marketing agency called 'To the End', I believe they have so many opportunities for me and in 5 years I hope to either have a job with them or to have worked with them.
Where I want to be in 10 years
In 10 years I am hoping to have my own house that I have managed to buy / put a deposit on myself. It as always been a goal of mine to purchase my own house with my own hard earned money that I have saved over the years, I like the thought of being independent and not replying on someone else. I also have always wanted to help with festivals / worked with a musician. Mustard Media is a festival marketing company who I would DIE to work for - either a bit of work experience or to be able to really work for them has and always will be one of my main goals.
There is a company called 'Wavey Garms' who sell and buy vintage designer clothes. The owners also style artists for music videos etc and it is another dream of mine to work with or for them. Even to see them working would be amazing as they are idols of mine.
TRAVELLING ASIA!!!!!!! along with working goals I think its also very important to take time out to travel and see the world as it is so beautiful. Asia has always intrigued me and would ideally like to take 6 months out to travel with either a partner or my best friends and just see another side of the world that not many people get to see. My mum has always said to me that if I do anything I should travel - she says to me constantly that if she could go back shed pack up and travel whilst she was young and could.
In terms of my strengths, I believe that leading teams is my biggest one, this is due to me being very confident and not afraid to take control of situations. I have the ability to be placed in a group of strangers and still take the lead without being overpowering, I think its important to be a leader without shutting everyone else out. Being a good listener is also another one of my strengths. Although I am brilliant at talking and could do so all day, when it is my turn to listen I am all ears. Being a good listener coincides with being empathetic as you need to fully understand what the other person is saying and feel for them. I am also very energetic and enthusiastic which is good as I put them into everything I do.
I also have many strengths in terms of the media industry as well. Working with camera equipment such as DSLR's and GoPros are one of these strengths as I have had a lot of experience with them. Although I am not a camera wiz I have a lot of knowledge about how to work them and the best angles for shooting etc which could come in hand if I was asked to help shot any project for companies in the future. I am also very knowledgeable about shooting in slow mo both with the camera and in post-production. This is an element that I have self-taught myself over the past couple of years as I wanted lots of parts of my final major project to be shot in slow mo.
Another one of my strength is planning - ironically, this element used to be my biggest weakness but because I managed to identify that it is now the thing that I focus the most on in pre-production. I have the ability to plan out filming days and organise people to shoot with very well as well as remembering to leave space for things to go wrong which I have learnt to do the hard way! Storyboards and production forms are some of the most important when it comes to being able to film well as you constantly have to refer back to them whilst shooting - if they are poorly done then the process of filming would take 10x longer.
I think that the title 'weaknesses' seems very negative and although everyone has them I like to see them as things I need to improve on. Although I have managed to list many of my strengths, there are still hundreds of things that I still haven't managed to get quite right or that I need to improve on.
One of these is my post-production. I feel as if my skills on Premier Pro are very limited and I can do very basic things - I need to venture out and play around with it more by trying out new things and asking for help more.
A 'weakness' that I think is very relative is that I am from a small town with not many opportunities. Living in a big city means that there are many more businesses to work for etc so those people have more of a chance - whereas if I wanted to work for a company in a large city I would either have to move out and live on my own (expensive) or commute (tiring and also expensive).
Due to where I live being an issue I feel as if I have very limited opportunities, there are not many media related jobs going as it is such a small town and there are hundreds of people wanting the same job. However, by putting myself out there and gaining lots of work experience over the years I have made contacts which give me huge opportunities such as moving to London to work for a marketing brand.
By completing this course and doing well in it it offers me more opportunities than anything else could - it as helped me to gain the skills that I need to pursue future careers and looks great on my CV as it is something I gave stuck at.
The first thing that came into my mind when I saw the word threats was Uni. All of my peers are going on to study media courses at uni to widen their knowledge with the hope to getting a great job afterwards, however I have chosen to not go down this route as I don't believe that it is for me and I woudn't get much out of it. This would be a major threat to me as why would an employer choose someone without a degree over someone that has. I think that this is why work experience is so important as it differs you from people who have degrees who don't have time to experience the industry fully.
To complete my own personal shoe campaign using original nike shoes. I feel as although this is a very broad target because it is ambitious to do a personal project alongside another project but it is achievable if I put my mind to it. The campaign will consist of two or three different shoes that I have re-created by drawing them on photoshop and changing u the colours for bright bold ones. I will aim to finish this project by the April half term which gives me roughly two months - I have chosen this time as it is just before we get into the full swing of the FMP and I don't want anything else running alongside that.
Another one of my targets is to complete my 2020 CV with canva. I would like it to be bold and represent my personality as I want the person who reads it to understand who I am and what I am like. I am giving myself 2 weeks to complete this project as although it will only take a few hours I have many projects to complete swell and want to make sure its done to my best ability. I do think that this is a SMART target as its specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound
My last target is to complete some work experience with a company called To the End or Influential. These are two companies which really appeal to me and ultimately are options for me for when I leave college and have to get a 'real' job. In terms of the work experience I will aim to complete 1 - 2 days and I need it to relate to my interests so marketing but also some filming too. I feel that its important to get my foot in the door and make sure the company know who I am before I begin applying for job roles there. I am giving myself until the end of the February half term for this target as a week off of college gives me the opportunity to work in the week for them. This is a realistic target as there have already been conversations of me going in and I have a lot of time to focus on it.
Relating it back to one of my threats (uni and experience) I would like to make a target dedicated to gaining as much work experience as possible. By Summer (August) I want to have worked for another media related company for at least 2 days and gained some more experience within the industry. This will help me to stand out against people with degrees as I will have experienced the industry first hand.
To complete my own personal shoe campaign using original nike shoes. I feel as although this is a very broad target because it is ambitious to do a personal project alongside another project but it is achievable if I put my mind to it. The campaign will consist of two or three different shoes that I have re-created by drawing them on photoshop and changing u the colours for bright bold ones. I will aim to finish this project by the April half term which gives me roughly two months - I have chosen this time as it is just before we get into the full swing of the FMP and I don't want anything else running alongside that.
Another one of my targets is to complete my 2020 CV with canva. I would like it to be bold and represent my personality as I want the person who reads it to understand who I am and what I am like. I am giving myself 2 weeks to complete this project as although it will only take a few hours I have many projects to complete swell and want to make sure its done to my best ability. I do think that this is a SMART target as its specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound
My last target is to complete some work experience with a company called To the End or Influential. These are two companies which really appeal to me and ultimately are options for me for when I leave college and have to get a 'real' job. In terms of the work experience I will aim to complete 1 - 2 days and I need it to relate to my interests so marketing but also some filming too. I feel that its important to get my foot in the door and make sure the company know who I am before I begin applying for job roles there. I am giving myself until the end of the February half term for this target as a week off of college gives me the opportunity to work in the week for them. This is a realistic target as there have already been conversations of me going in and I have a lot of time to focus on it.
Relating it back to one of my threats (uni and experience) I would like to make a target dedicated to gaining as much work experience as possible. By Summer (August) I want to have worked for another media related company for at least 2 days and gained some more experience within the industry. This will help me to stand out against people with degrees as I will have experienced the industry first hand.
Personal Statement
→ why you're interested in a certain career
→ describe your enthusiasm for the subject
→ previous studies
→ relevant aspects of jobs / placements / experience and volunteering e.g. DofE etc
→ hobbies
→ training - what are you trained in? e.g. marshal arts black belt
→ demonstrate how you are a great candidate
write it?
opening sentence should be seen as a trailer for the whole statement
structure - beginning, middle, end
conclusion reinforces commitment, enthusiasm and skills
must all be correct
leave plenty of time to do this ! ! ! !
technical details
4,000 characters or 47 lines of text - including spaces and blank lines
don't copy and paste - it will jeopardise the application
→ hobbies
→ training - what are you trained in? e.g. marshal arts black belt
→ demonstrate how you are a great candidate
write it?
opening sentence should be seen as a trailer for the whole statement
structure - beginning, middle, end
conclusion reinforces commitment, enthusiasm and skills
must all be correct
leave plenty of time to do this ! ! ! !
technical details
4,000 characters or 47 lines of text - including spaces and blank lines
don't copy and paste - it will jeopardise the application
Online Bio is in my introduction page.
Things I love
The feeling you get in your belly before doing something exciting, cold sunny mornings,
the smell of my mums perfume, sundays, everything burberry, prints, birds singing in the mornings, water, bright coloured trainers, lilac, jungle music, staying in fancy hotels, roast dinners, being with family, fresh bed sheets, hearing the rain outside when you're in bed, hugs, mums spaghetti bolognese, funky nails, laughter, hungover movie days, dancing with my best friends, neat handwriting, tea, sunrises, sunsets, going out for breakfast, smell of jacobs jumpers, cute old men.
The list goes on!!!!!!!
Wellbeing list
1. Connect with people
Good relationships are important for your wellbeing. They can -
help you build a sense of belonging and self-worth
give you an opportunity to share positive experiences
provide emotional support and allow you to support others
2. Be physically active
Being active is not only great for your physical health and fitness, evidence also shows it can improve your mental wellbeing by -↓
raising your self esteem
helping you set goals and achieve them
causing chemical changes in your brain which help to positively change your mood
3. Learn new skills
Research shows that learning new skills can also improve your mental wellbeing by-↓
boosting self confidence and raising self-esteem
helping you build a sense of purpose
helping to connect with others
4. Give to others
acts of giving and kindness can improve wellbeing by↓
creating positive feelings and a sense of reward
giving you a feeling of purpose and self worth
helping you connect with others
it could be small acts of kindness towards others or larger ones like volunteering in local communities
5. Mindfullness
Paying more attention to the present moment can improve your mental wellbeing, this includes your thought and feelings, your body and the world around you↓
It can help you enjoy life more and understand yourself better, it can positively change the way you feel about life and how you approach certain things
Personal wellbeing aims
These are a few of my personal wellbeing times, in order to do my best I possibly can my wellbeing and mental health needs to be good as well.
1. Be more mindful, I need to appreciate what is around me sometimes and understand how lucky I am - I think that this will encourage me to get rid of my negative thoughts as there are people in much worse situations / headspaces than me.
2. Be kinder, although this isn't as big as volunteering in a local community I know that my family will appreciate it. Once every week I will go around my grandparents and help them with their weekly shop and help tidy their house. Yes it may be a small act of kindness but they will appreciate it greatly and will also help me to appreciate the little thighs in life.
3. One of my New Year resolutions was to become my physically active. When I was younger my fitness was incredible as I used to partake in 3 sports a week, whereas since then it has gone drastically down hill. I have recently joined a gym and am aiming to go at least twice a week. Although I dread going and it feels like a chore to me, once the classes have finished I feel happy and like I have achieved something amazing. It will also give me many more health benefits - not just mental.
1. Be more mindful, I need to appreciate what is around me sometimes and understand how lucky I am - I think that this will encourage me to get rid of my negative thoughts as there are people in much worse situations / headspaces than me.
2. Be kinder, although this isn't as big as volunteering in a local community I know that my family will appreciate it. Once every week I will go around my grandparents and help them with their weekly shop and help tidy their house. Yes it may be a small act of kindness but they will appreciate it greatly and will also help me to appreciate the little thighs in life.
3. One of my New Year resolutions was to become my physically active. When I was younger my fitness was incredible as I used to partake in 3 sports a week, whereas since then it has gone drastically down hill. I have recently joined a gym and am aiming to go at least twice a week. Although I dread going and it feels like a chore to me, once the classes have finished I feel happy and like I have achieved something amazing. It will also give me many more health benefits - not just mental.
connect... socially?
talk to people instead of message online
speak to someone new
ask someone 'how are you?' LISTEN to them. listening is really important through life - will improve who you are as a person
5 mins aside for someone else (it improves yo self and how you think/feel) how are they?
share a journey. something practical - do something together
be active. take the stairs, walk perhaps with someone, organise a group sport/activity, walk to talk to someone - make the effort
take notice - buy a plant, clear clutter, take a different route and get out of the boring routine, go to a new place to eat
learn something new : find out something new about a peer, train in something new or start a new hobby, read!!!! soduku, crosswords - get a certain part of your brain working. research something that you've always wondered about, learn a new word
give to the community, kindness over a period of time - helps an old lady out weekly etc
my wellbeing paragraph
One of my many aims for 2020 is to improve mine and others wellbeing. I feel as if this plays a huge part in. everyones day to day life and how they feel / act towards others. In order for me to become a better person I first have to help others which will gradually make me feel better in myself. I will start by gradually introducing new things into my routine - maybe taking a longer route to work and take in all the views, or possibly starting a new hobby with my friends making our time together more precious. Reading is another thing I would like to start doing more - it will exercise my brain and therefore make me feel much better. Helping others is another major thing for my own wellbeing - even if its just helping an old woman carry her shopping to her car - its the endorphins it lets off afterwards. Finally, I will talk to my friends more, and I mean really talk, not just small talk, I want to know how their day went and how they're really feeling.
I will push myself out of my comfort zone this year and approach people that I'm not that friendly with more for a serious chat.
Now I can drive I've found myself becoming lazy - driving to work when I live close to it etc. I will start to walk more and take in my surroundings not only for my wellbeing mentally but also physically. There is a saying that goes ' a happy body is a happy mind' and I will try to live by that this year - I have started the gym which is sociable but also physical.
I need to take in nature and appreciate it more - for example once a week instead of going to the gym for a run which is indoors without windows, I will go for a run around my local park. I will take in every little thing such as the birds, trees, fresh air and people around me. Fresh air is also good for he body which will consequently improve my wellbeing.
In order to get my wellbeing up to its best I feel learning something new is needed. Although this may not be classed as leaning it is still educational, reading. When I was younger I used to read a book before bed every single night and I was very knowledgeable and my vocabulary was impeccable. My goal for 2020 is to read 5-10 books. Last year I only managed to read one and my excuses was that I was 'too busy'. That is now not an excuses as no one is ever too busy for things they make time for.
I am going to also improve my well being by volunteering at an old peoples home or at a special needs school. I love working with kids and feel as if I need more empathy for people - doing this would make it grow and make me a much more humble and nicer person.
complete your weaknesses and strengths and threats but the work you have done already is very good
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to connect your SWOT analyses to your SMART targets... e.g. choose a skill weakness and then research HOW you will work upon learning to develop this new skill.